Friday, May 12, 2006


Morning Bell - Confusion and Allusion

Bump on the head! The funniest thing about the perceived crisis in Latin America is the fact that the rest of the world does not give a rat's arse about what is going on here. Just like we can pretend we are very interested in the shenanigans going on at the health ministry in Togo, or the mayoral elections in Myanmar... We do not care about each other, at least to read and learn about the differences...

All so-called "cucaracho" leaders are gathering in Europe, seemingly oblivous to the fact that anyone with an IQ of a garbanzo bean are laughing it all the way... (Behind their backs, of course). Have you noticed Evo Morales' accent in Spanish? He cannot even speak Spanish, it is a slur, a blur that emanates from a mouthful of air, errr, gas..... Now we probably will discuss the dilemma: chivalry or cavalry? He pronounces "hidrocarboneto" as "hidrocarburo". Maybe it is cool to say it like that in his teepee gatherings, but not out here, where the dogs don't bark....

There is no political solution, just send me somebody who is strong and somewhat sincere. As I said before, at least Bush will retire to rake leaves in Texas or read books upside down to needy children as he faces the empire's sunset.

May God Bless us All...

You should take a look at
"Norway’s mission to aid poorer oil nations criticised"

and then:

Scores die in Nigeria fuel blast

Many of the bodies were moved up the beach to a shallow grave
More than 150 people have been killed in an explosion at a petrol pipeline near Nigeria's largest city, Lagos.
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